I currently create a colour table for every company I work with. I do this almost exclusively for conditional formatting.The only reason I do this is because I can't reference theme colours in conditional formatting. Please let us reference theme colours e.g. 'ThemeDataColor' property in conditional formatting.
Yes, oh please yes, add to current theme would save me so much pain working with external tools and hand coding JSON.
Just thinking out loud here. I think I'd prefer to be able to specify DAX for conditional formatting in here rather than having xxx number of measures created for conditional formatting, but that may cause repeated logic, so not sure.Maybe a new UI for advanced use that stores DAX statements for conditional formatting that are only visible to the fx dropdowns. Now that I re-read your description, that may be what you are referring to.
Please fix now.
This is so needed!It should be further up the list.Do a poll on your socials and ask "what slicer would be most beneficial right now?".I bet this gets the most votes.
BTW, my previous comment was nicely formatted with bullet points etc. to make it easier to read, but they're not retained when posting.
I want to be able to control the width and height in a more efficient way.I want to be able to define width and height in pixels for ALL rows/columns at once.I want to be able to define for a specific data type e.g. all decimal columns set to N pixels, all integer columns set to N pixels.I still need the granular control also.AlignmentI want to be able to default all column headers to right aligned if the value is numeric (it is too time consuming to do this one by one).Conditional formattingNot specific to headers, I need conditional formatting to be available everywhere and be easy to apply to ALL columns/rows optionally.
I would take it a step further and suggest that a G/L Budget should have a Start Date and an End Date field that you enter when you create the Budget and that those fields should automatically set the date filters when you open the budget.
Team,This feature would be immensely helpful in d2d operations !I greatly appreciate your efforts.Thanks for your consideration !