
I agree with this theory and can see how this would streamline permissions. It would be nice to have it as an option. The record permissions function is a very useful tool as a workaround in the meantime.

Random colours are disturbing, as one might think that there is a meaning behind each color.

Great this has now been done and vey overdue.. But MS seemed to hide this is in the V24 release a bit.Noticed also that this only affects transactions occurring from the V24 update onwards - there is no backfilling with previous transactions which would have been nice?

Currently all users can see all roles that are marked as Show in Role Explorer.We need some way that various security groups have access to certain roles and that only SUPERs can see all the Roles

Yes would be a good idea

This is something we really need, and it could make a big difference.

How is this still not a thing ? One of many issues that make hierarchies unusable in a practical way...

This would be invaluable to our business!

Wow! This idea was created nearly a decade ago and still hasn't been fixed? I have watched a number of the monthly update videos where Microsoft brags about new features. I will be boycotting future videos unless it includes this simple fix. As someone suggested, at least make the option to match text color available. If third-party slicers can do it, there is no excuse.

Also called as "Net price promotion" in France and very common in trade negotiations.