
Hi, this is critical issue and needs to be supported ASAP.Customers are complaining that they cannot use simple solutions as they worked in the "old" NAV.I have some customers who do not wish to go to the cloud, due to several limitations and are rether staying on BC onPrem.Please hear us out.Thanks Damjan

On premise Dynamics handles this better that D365 BC.We really need a remittance format of a check that will give the option to print a remittance advice report (to show documents being paid) and not have to burn through check numbers.

Given that Microsoft is already a global-sized product provider, this is crucial and should be implemented if not immediately so we can achieve fairness in offering quality products to worldwide customers.Totally agree with this idea!

I agree!

You do this idea with just one vote, and you do not do anything with ideas with more than 100 votes?????

Hi everyone, we solved this issue many times developing this:Added Cancel Item No., Cancel Location Code to the Manufacturing setup.added function called Cancel Prod. Order to the Release Prod. Order.this function changed the Item No. reference on Prod. Order Header, Lines, Item ledger entries (Source no.), Capacity LEoutput location has been switched to Cancel Location Code, finally output of 1 Cancel Item No. has been registered to the Cancel Location Codethe Prod. Order has been changed to Finished.Result: original Item No. has not been affected (average cost)typical Location is not affected by un-usefull finished goodsFinancially - the WIP is cleared, Company has overview of how much they have in Cancelled productionCompany can decide how to manage the cancelled production costs. E.g. they can consume the cancelled product to other production orders, however else..Next analysis can be performed on this Cancel item, Location, customer can have the Cancel location warehouse tracked ...

This really is a minor change that would help a lot of Dutch customers with their payment process.Please consider this.

it is not completed.what about Physical Inventory Journal, Reclassification Journal, Consumption Journal, Output Journal, and Production Journal) you have to enter the Item Tracking in a sub page.This causes masses of extra work especially with Physical Inventory Journals

Big pain point for our business who have a small product range and are trying to execute great discounts for our customers but limited by this functionality. Please bring this in ASAP as it will greatly improve our ability to offer our customers better discounts.

Saw the same on one of my standard environments, should have some further clarification for this batch.