An API exposed to allow access to the Q&A NLP functionality for embedded reports.
For security purposes, it is very important to have more control over data exports. Right now the user can only export a visualization to csv. Having more control over these downloads, such as setting all excel downloads to be protected and only company users can view change but cannot copy or se...
Please enable Power BI to use Alteryx Server/Gallery API as Data Source, so Power BI Online/Desktop can pull information from an Alteryx workflow published to Alteryx Server.
A Dupont chart would be extremely useful! Especially if it was dynamically: If you click on "Profit" the visual expands to Costs and Revenues and so on. Would be soooo amazing!
Publish to Web is great, but if you have 10 pages in your report, it's much more efficient to see all 10 pages as tabs along the bottom of the screen rather than a 1 of 10 with an arrow to go one by one through each page. Users want to be able to easily locate and go to a page rather than flippi...
There doesn't currently seem to be a way to format colors after you've placed a value in the Play axis. Being able to manipulate this in the same manner as when it is placed in the Details field would be helpful.
Diacritic characters (Polish) in reports are displayed with incorect font. In exports they're not included at all. When do You plan fully support other languages?
It would be really helpful if the window for editing an exisiting SQL statement could be re-sized. This would make the query editing much easier.
This option is available for bar charts, but not for waterfall charts which seems weird. Sometimes it is useful to pick out individual 'steps' in a waterfall for further detailed analysis or explanation, which is not currently possible in PowerBI.
It would be great if you could use a template that you created while on a live connection and change your connection to another data source so the new data is then populated in the visuals and filters that you have made. This way you could have a base report and be able to apply it to any new da...