As soon as we click the chart icon, we are presented with all possible visualizations possible. If its colored we can locate them in a snap. Grey icons causes fatigue
Let me write with a stylus on dashboard tiles before I share it
Imagine there is a place (like I did using the calculation groups), where you can create a DAX based user defined function that generates a certain type of SVG visualization.Now you can add visual level calculation like SVG_Variance = UDF_SVG_VARINCE([Sales],[Previous Sales],...
Hi Team,The new 'Folder' feature introduced in Power BI is good, but no REST API is available yet to create a folder, delete a folder, find a folder id, etc...Can you please help prioritize it to get one available?It would be great, if you ...
We are decommissioning the subscription where the current storage account lives and migrating it to a new subscription in the same tenant. However, we have hundreds of dataflows in workspaces that are connected to the tenant's Azure storage account. The only solution to perform this migration ...
Can we have a connector to Dynatrace to analyze our observability data?
Please add the feature to create a copy of a workspace so that all settings, including security settings, for each content in the workspace match.There are cases where it is useful during testing and migration phases.
Currently, Microsoft's reporting tools offer dynamic per-recipient subscriptions, a powerful feature for personalized report distribution. However, there is a significant opportunity to augment this functionality by integrating Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) and Carbon Copy (CC) capabilities.<...
The ability to enable or disable certain sharing settings in the Power BI admin portal is accompanied by default selections that cannot be modified. For example, if “People within your organization” is enabled, this same sharing feature becomes the default selection for all users who go throug...