Settings are currently stored in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\\UserInterface\Settings.xml which makes it difficult to find or programmaticly change. Please move to the registry.
Would love to allow each attribute of a visual (e.g. chart scale Start/End, Title, Colors, Reference Line values, etc.) be set to a custom [measure]. Great use case is small multiples of a chart... I'd like each chart to have same Start/End scale value based on MAX () and MIN () measures... ri...
So far it's required installing visual studio, trying to install gacutil (and failing) using hacky ways to get .dll's of Npgsql and it still fails...
Sometimes it may be necessary to partition OData metadata document due to a document size or references to publicly available third-party metadata. PowerBI needs to understand types defined in these referenced models.
Allowing using C# for defining calculated columns and measures
When a table is resized, it would be nice to have the font reduced in size and the entire characters fit within the area of the table.
Right now, you can publish a report from desktop to the web, but there's no way to download or save a web report to desktop. It will be nice to able to do that users can have a backup report and also more easily this the the report around.