At least as an option, allow fields to be ordered the same as the source query rather than alphabetical. This way they can be put in a logical and consistent order. Obviously, a workaround is to prefix each column name with a number but this is clunky, unattractive and a pain if the columns ...
We should have the option to export a visual as an image. Not only raster images such as bmp, jpg or png, but also vectorial metafiles such as wmf, emf and svg. This is independent from the ability to allow visuals to be pasted onto other applications, which was submitted here: https://ideas.pow...
Similar to ideas around creating multiple apps from one workspace, it would be very beneficial to have the ability to create a high-level app that includes reports from multiple workspaces. For example, our executive team would like to see specific reports from sales, accounting, and fields ops i...
Matrix visuals could significantly enhance the user experience by emulating Excel's intuitive sorting, searching, and filtering capabilities, even for hierarchical columns. This idea would the current limitation in Power BI's matrix visuals, which lack a comparable experience to Excel's establ...
It would be great to be able to add a grand total column/row to a column/bar chart. For instance, if I have four sales regions and I plot sales by region on a clustered column chart, I would like to be able to add a fifth column that shows the total for all regions. Similar to this functionality ...
It very annoying having to re-draw every dashboard that uses a specific report. It would be nice having automatic refresh of the dashboard tile when I change a report involved.
IdeaAdd full user management capabilities - add, modify, remove of viewers, contributors and members - to role workspace member.Why?It is logically inconsistent that a workspace member currently is allowed to add users but not a...
There should be an option to enable custom tool tip for specific column of Matrix or Table. Currently for given row same Tooltip is visible for all columns in matrix and table visualisation. And block the view of the report.
There Should be Provision of passing the Parameter to the report like we do in SSRS Reports. There should be any method to execute Stored Procedure by passing the Parameters
When data labels are enabled on visualization types where data overlaps (such as clustered bar charts and line charts), there are occasions where data labels do not display, or it is difficult to tell which label corresponds to which bar/line. There should be better customization options for Data...