Enable selection of the default scroll position for the x-axis on a chart. For example, on a line chart with dates as the x-axis, when not all of the data can display in the view at once, the scroll defaults to the beginning/left end of the x-axis and the most recent dates are at the far end cau...
Include an option to publish or show a "Full Screen" dashboard for Power BI Desktop, similar to a PowerPoint Slide.
I'd like to be able to move/rearrange my Calculated Columns in the Data View so they can be placed next to columns where they would be more relevant and make more sense. It would be nice also if the Calculated Columns are shaded darker as in PowerPivot so we can easily distinguish them. Als...
I can only get 7 rows of data to show in a Tool Tip which means if you have 2 values and 4 series, you are missing data from the final category. Example: Line chart with 4 regions as Legend, Date for Axis, Sales for Value and add a tooltip for Budget. You would see budget and actual for 3 region...
Currently, when excel file is loaded to Power BI, the absolute filepath is captured in the M query. It would be nice if relative filepath was supported. Thus we could place excel file next to pbix and not worry about the file location (local machine, shared folder on server or onedrive)
It will be nice to align the text vertically in the Textbox. You can do it now only by adjusting the font size and the height of the Textbox.
Matrix currently doesn't allow you to sort the columns based on designating values as being a priority above the column field names. For example, my field in the columns section results in three columns. If you add two sets of values, you are forced to see: Column 1, Value 1, Value 2, Column 2...
The ability to Hide, unhide, or color report tabs, in the same way as Excel allows the user to hide, unhide or color sheets. Also include this feature in the online version so that when a user publishes their work to powerbi.com, their hidden tabs, unhidden and colored tabs translate to the web...
I would like to be able to apply page or report level filters on a measure. E.g. say you have a set of supplier transactions and you want to keep those suppliers where the total value of the records is above a certain amount. Currently it's not possible to drag a measure to the filters pane and ...
This is a continuation of "Allow runtime parameters in Power View and/or Power Query". Request this capability in Power BI Online so users can go to a dashboard and easily be able to search for a list of values. Currently the user would need to use a slicer and individual select each value. An...